
Danville Dental Associates uses the latest orthodontic technology to enhance your experience while providing the very best care.

We offer the only expertise in scanned Invisalign in the Danville area. We provide the first and only 3D digital impressionless Invisalign scanner in Southwest Virginia.

We provide digital scanning for all Invisalign patients. That means NO IMPRESSIONS!

Our team has the most experience treating Invisalign patients in the area. We are the only certified professionals in teen Invisalign treatment. We've treated more teenagers with 3D scanned Invisalign than any other provider in this half of Virginia.

We have digital X-rays including Panorex and Cephalometric imaging. Here you also get the benefit of Dolphin imaging storage and computer measured xray tracing.

You get the benefit of Individual Appliance design from the highly respected experts at

Here are additional high tech advantages we offer our patients:

  • Computer generated Virtual Treatment Objective to predict tooth movements before treatment begins
  • Drufomat lab technology to make clear retainers for you in our own lab
  • Indirect bonding trays. Instead of gluing brackets one at a time, we can make a special tray that bonds the brackets to all of your teeth at once.
  • The ability to print models with a 3D printer
  • Inhouse lab partners to create lab appliances

Did you have braces years ago? Have your teeth started to shift? Does your old retainer need a little TLC or have you lost your retainer?

Call Danville Dental Associates - now offering 3D printing and scanning to make Clear Aligners! Get back to that perfect smile!

We are One of the first offices in our state with the technology and experience to make clear aligners in our office to save costs for our patients!

Aligners Video